Thursday, December 29, 2011

Visual Effects in 2011

2011's been a year with a bucket-load of blockbusters. 2012 is going to most likely top this year. 
For me personally 2011 was great work-wise because three films that I worked on were released through the year -  Rango, Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

Rango will always hold a special place for me mainly because it was ILM's first animated feature, it was revolutionary in terms of design and approach for an animated film and last but not least, I got to spend a couple of months in San Francisco working with the main core team on the film.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon was the most challenging film and has some of my best work to date, which I hope to surpass with the next round of films. Visual Effects wise Transformers was a mammoth and required six months of really hard work which paid-off in the end with some amazing shots. With the completion of Transformers, I had a new found respect for Michael Bay as a film-maker, I seriously think only he has the b***s to pull off a movie and franchise like Transformers.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was a surprise assignment but was a really fun project to roll off onto after Transformers 3. The work was exciting and a welcome change from giant robots and also I got to play the role of a Sequence Lead on this film. Most of my work can be seen with the Missile launch sequence and some parts of the Red Square.

To recap the year's hit list, The Daily has put together some of their exclusives (catch my shot being broken-down in the Transformers segment at 00:43s)

Monday, December 5, 2011

SIGGRAPH Asia 2011

In a weeks time I will be at SIGGRAPH Asia at Hong Kong, to deliver two talks - 
The first with The Foundry at the Geekfest, where I will be breaking down one of my shots from Transformers 3 in Nuke and the second would be at the Computer Animation Festival presenting ILM's work on Transformers : Dark of the Moon. Be There!!


Abishek Nair | Compositor | ILM - Singapore

ILM was the principal visual effects house for the highly anticipated robot flick Transformers: Dark of the Moon. This is the biggest project to date for the Singapore studio, with 235 shots across all disciplines: from layout to animation, digital matte panting, rotoscoping, creature TD and lighting and compositing.
Abishek Nair, Compositor at ILM Singapore, will share his work onTransformers: Dark of the Moon using NUKE. He will illustrate his presentation using actual shots as examples – don’t miss this opportunity!
Abishek Nair | Compositor | ILM Singapore
Abishek Nair | Compositor | ILM Singapore