Friday, February 12, 2010

Nuit Blanche

There are tons of high-speed footage lying around YouTube, clips of people bursting baloons, bullets going through apples etc. While they are nice to watch, it has nothing you can carry with you or get you so engrossed as "Nuit Blanche". Its an amazing blend of slow-motion, Visual Effects - great use of camera projections and atmospheric elements, and the Music (gotta love that music by Samuel Bisson).

Nuit Blanche is a short film directed by Arev Manoukian for Spy Films. Watch it, be amazed and catch the Making of too.

Nuit Blanche.

Making Of :

Making Of Nuit Blanche.

1 comment:

Mithun said...

Dude, this is some insane comping skills man!! FUCK!!